​If the system doors and windows are well selected, you don’t have to worry about energy conservation and environmental protection.
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Doors and windows are the eyes of a building and the bridge between indoors and outdoors. In addition to the basic ventilation and lighting functions, the heat insulation, heat preservation, and sealing performance of doors and windows are key factors affecting energy consumption. Data shows that energy loss through doors and windows accounts for more than 50% of building energy consumption. Therefore, choose a

High-quality doors and windows play an important role in saving energy, reducing consumption, and reducing electricity bills.

How to choose high-quality doors and windows?

1. Profiles

The doors and windows of the Apple King system are made of selected raw aluminum profiles. The overall thickness, strength, and door and window performance meet national standards. They have strong corrosion resistance and good wind pressure resistance.

The double-break bridge design is independently developed and high-efficiency thermal insulation materials are used, and the thermal insulation effect is particularly obvious.

2. Glass

Glass occupies most of the window area, and is naturally the key to thermal insulation and energy saving. Apple King system doors and windows use tempered insulating glass, optional laminated glass and Low-E glass, which have good thermal insulation performance and can effectively block heat transfer from the outside.

The argon gas that can be filled inside the insulating glass has the following two benefits: First, argon gas has low thermal conductivity, which can effectively isolate indoor and outdoor heat transfer; second, argon gas has high stability, which can prevent glass from fogging and ensure Clear sight.

3. Sealing performance

High-quality sealing strips can enhance the sealing of doors and windows and reduce heat conduction in the air. Select and promptly replace aging sealing strips to increase the fit between doors, windows and window frames, which can improve the heat insulation effect.

The selected EPDM material + foamed automotive-grade sealing strip has excellent heat aging resistance, low temperature resistance, good sealing and corrosion resistance against rainwater erosion, and can effectively improve heat insulation. Effect.

4. Installation process

As the old saying goes, "three-thirds of the time for doors and windows depends on the product, and seven-on-one depends on the installation." The process of installing doors and windows will also greatly affect the energy-saving effect. Apple King System Doors and Windows provides high-quality door and window products and has a professional installation team to ensure that the gaps between doors, windows and walls are well sealed and improve the heat insulation effect.

Because of the existence of windows, the changes of the four seasons, the alternation of sunshine and rain, and the flow of nature become tangible. Because of the protection of doors and windows, home life becomes comfortable and beautiful!

Updated:2023-10-17 | Return
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